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AER Bulletin 2019-31 – 2019/20 AER Administration Fees (Industry Levy)

AER has released the 2019/20 AER Administration Fees https://www.aer.ca/regulating-development/rules-and-directives/bulletins/bulletin-2019-31

The amount of each invoice depends on the AER’s revenue requirement, 2018 production volumes, the number of wells and schemes, and the number of operators within the sector. Any change in the above factors changes the invoice amount for each operator. Invoices to operators detailing the fee calculations will be mailed on November 29, 2019, and payments are due by January 6, 2020.

Payment of all invoices is required by January 6, 2020, regardless of whether an appeal has been filed. Following a decision of the appeal, adjustments will be applied as needed.