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BT2019-012 Critical dates for Pipeline Licence Registry launch



Following consultation with industry, The Ministry of Energy and Resources has deferred the date for the full implementation of the Integrated Resource Information System (IRIS) – pipeline module to January, 2020 (date to be confirmed).

Please refer to the attached document BT2019-012 Critical dates for Pipeline Licence Registry launch.pdf for information on critical dates regarding the implementation. The document can also be found at BT2019-012 – Critical dates for Pipeline Registry launch – October 08, 2019 .

Please ensure that the appropriate individuals in your organization are notified of this notice. Thank you.


Further to Notice BT2019-011 on September 13, 2019, following consultation with industry, The Ministry of Energy and Resources (ER) has deferred the date for the full implementation of the Integrated Resource Information System (IRIS) – pipeline module to January, 2020 (date to be confirmed).  Critical dates and information regarding the implementation are outlined in the Roadmap available on the Sask.ca website.


Please ensure any IRIS business associates, other colleagues and third parties who are involved in the implementation of flowline and pipeline licensing and approvals receive the Roadmap. It contains information on upcoming online and classroom training on the new pipeline module, links to further information and important deadlines for flowline licensing and retroactive licensing.





ER Service Desk

Government of Saskatchewan

Ministry of Energy and Resources

1000, 2103-11th Avenue


Bus: 1-855-219-9373